Davis Academy
Atlanta, Georgia
Collaborative Art and Donor Recognition Project
Abraham Joshua Heschel wrote” Mankind will not perish for want of information; but only want of appreciation. The beginning of happiness lies in understanding that life without wonder is not worth living.” He often wrote about “radical amazement,”, that sense of “wow” about the world, which he said was the root of spirituality.
This is the inspiration for the donor recognition artwork for Davis Academy. The “wow” and sense of “wonder” that students experience in the classrooms of Davis Academy. This project integrates the children’s artwork along with the donor recognition plaques into an impactful focal point at the entry of the newly constructed state of the art auditorium.
Students worked together with the art teachers to create a beautiful and meaningful imagery inspired by biblical passages from the story of creation. They learned the Hebrew words and studied the Hebrew texts during the creative process.
Their drawings were then printed on laser cut acrylic panels.